Just recently finished reading this paperback. The story revolves on a woman who has influenced a lot of people she knew. She was thought to be a witch by the people who don't know her yet dislike her. The book had been a series of transcriptions from interviews of people who had been part of her life.
I don't agree with most part of the beliefs that the author is generally saying but I can probably say that there may be truth in it. When he (Paulo Coelho) talks about the Mother, that this was what people believed in before they changed it to male form of divinity, it makes me ask myself if this is true. This subject is always a background or the main theme of any of his books. But I've read only a few, so I may not be correct, though.
Sometimes, I can let myself believe it's true. But I get confused too. I was raised and lived in the faith of the Catholic Church. I know it is not without any terrible mistake, but most of the religions at present is not without a dark past. Anyway, reading it was fun as long as you don't analyze much of what is being said is true or not. I would suggest the reader to be objective and to not be swayed by the beliefs of the protagonists, to enjoy it.