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03 December 2009

Damning Silence

I know I haven't said a word last month, even though I promised myself that I would always post an entry at least every month. I can easily say I have been busy to find time to lie down (this is usually my lightbulb-moments position) and type away on the Acer laptop. But that would be wrong.

I'm not really sure why I haven't visited my dashboard for over 6 weeks. Anyway, I'm back! I promise I will write with vigor in the days to come. I even find it weird there has been almost no activity in my social networking life except of course twitter which is a daily habit. Haha! But silence is mostly due to the fact that I don't know what to write anymore. This may be a big no-no in the blogger rule book to admit in print, but it's true.

November had been a pretty crrazy. Crazy for different reasons. Let me list a few...
One. My boyfriend and I had been fighting alot, than usual. And it scares me sometimes.
Two. Work had been kinda demanding, even when the changes were months before. The tasks had increased and responsibilities were bigger. I'm not complaining because I'm happy despite the challenges.
Three. Family disputes is another source of stress. I can't say much of the details for it's easier to deny them when you don't talk about them. Thank God for friends who listen sincerely or at least seem to be.
Four. Budget and expenses don't add up. This may be normal for someone who isn't used to saving really, or hasn't learn the actual skill of saving money. I am an impulsive buyer but mostly I heart to eat. Most of the expenses goes to eating out. Because of this, there are some days I just want to pull my hair out in distress. If not for my love of vanity, I'd look like a mess, like I already don't! I know I may need help but I'm sure I can still change. I can learn to discipline. This can be my new year's resolution. Yey! I got one.
So anyway, I can blah-blah more but I'm running out of time. I have to leave now. But I will stay true to my promise to be more active in updating my blog starting today. As long as I have access to unlimited internet connection, that is.

This is not goodbye, just see you later!

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