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09 June 2009

apee beer-day dianne!

born on June 5. Gemini

I read up on her horoscope to better understand her. The ones in italicized green are my thoughts. Here goes:
Of all people Geminis are the most difficult to understand; in temperament they are hot and cold almost at the same moment. ay, this is so true! just yesterday, she was so quiet doing what she's doing while at work but towards the end of the day, she was back to her lively self again. Twins at work! They love with one side of their nature and they are often critical or dislike with the other people. They have sharp wit and excellent powers of observation. Really. They believe they are truthful, constant, faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but every moment to them has a separate existence. Haha! So Dianne. You can't blame her, she is a different Dianne every time. If you get to know her, prepare yourself for a whirl! Almost all of them are great talkers and usually very much in demand socially because they are so entertaining. Gemini is the life of the party. Here's why.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
Thank you for making my life colorful. :D

thank you to:

1 remarks:

cheezenibbles said...

hahaha! lingawa ani TL oi! :) so gemini jugh si juno! :)

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