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04 May 2011

broken glass

I miss you.
I know that I have been truant for about a year now, and I know it's inexcusable. But let me try to rationalize why I haven't been to see you for such a long time.

I've been busy. Yeah, that's right. After my last post, I was so preoccupied with work that I got too focused or distracted (however you want to see it) that every time I reach home, I get so tired and I can't even come up with random words to say to you.

I was too sad. Depressed? Maybe. My last post was about my disappointment at a friend who actually was the one who inspired me to start you, my dear blogger. So you understand that I don't really want to be reminded of that hurt.

I almost forgot you existed. This may sound harsh, but I just want to come clean to you. Because I ended up avoiding other blogs after the harsh EOF (that means End Of Friendship for you) that was all in my mind; for a time I forgot about you. I'm really to sorry to say that I did.

Now that I have listed the reasons above, I can see that they're not worth telling them. For they actually hurt much more than if I just shut up. Well, it's a good thing, then, that you don't have any feelings. Thanks for letting me air this all out. So now I want to let you know that I'm back and I'm gonna keep you.

There is also one other fairly new friend who inspired me to write again. She awaken in me the desire to write and express myself like I do when in front of my friends. She once said, that she is better with printed words than the spoken ones; while I, on the other hand, do not have the knack to write. As you well know, I am a little more than the usual talk-active girl in a group, and can be overbearing when I speak. I really enjoy talking, sometimes even more than listening --- which I should change. By writing more about what I really think and what I want to talk about, I can probably learn to be a more active listener.
Her name is Oena, by the way. And she just barely started her blog, which you may find uncanny for me. I only read one post, and she got me sobbing for dear life. But that's the way it is. Life sometimes throws you lessons in extra-ordinary people or circumstances. Thanks, Oen!


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