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28 May 2009

lists... lists... lists!

people have been writing lists since time immemorial for whatever reason.
for me, writing a list gives me an order in this somehow anarchic mind.
sometimes, it helps define who we are in this topsy-turvy world. at times, it even provides us direction in our lives.

why we create our own lists are our own business, but my list of lists are either of the following:

  • the easy ones are the things i love: movies, songs, celebrities, friends, clothestags, brands of footwear, animated characters, tv shows
  • some may include the mundane: countries i dream of travelling, fave things of the week, hottest buys of the month, coolest people i know or something similar
  • few can be strange or downright crazy
my John Goddard-ish list (so-called bucket list)
  1. sing to an audience of at least 50 be it a company or family affair -- probably with mask on! :))
  2. ride on a rollercoaster -- did this once, on Space Shuttle @ Enchanted Kingdom
  3. kiss under a mistletoe -- no mistletoe grows in the country, must go to where there is winter
  4. learn to surf passably in CamSur or Siargao Island -- my knees wobble at the idea :S
  5. lose 10 pounds in 2 months - before my trip to Malaysia on August
  6. enjoy Camiguin island's slice of paradise -- not a fan of Boracay, haven't been there though
  7. carress a dolphin or ride on one -- i've seen a few on Tañon Strait, exhilarating experience
  8. hike to Balinsasayao twin lakes in Negros Oriental
  9. visit Fiji islands in the Pacific -- my boyfriend suggested this
  10. hike to any mountaintop where fog is all around -- get to talk in the clouds
  11. walk the Via Dolorosa or Way of Grief in Jerusalem
  12. fly to Rome and visit the pope -- hope to get a photo with him too
  13. learn to fly a plane or a helicopter
  14. scuba dive Apo Island and then to the Great Barrier Reef -- that is, after ive learned how to scuba dive. wee!

there are still alot of things i wanna do... i will be updating my blog again soon.
but if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. :D

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