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29 May 2009

on faith

before you continue reading this, know that all this is based on personal opinion. however i would also love to hear your thoughts on this.

I am a Catholic. I am a Christian.
They don't necessarily mean the same thing. Yet I am both.

I have been baptized in the Catholic church, been taught the Catholic doctrine, been attending Catholic schools except college. I have been raised by Catholic parents and relatives. Though I believe I am faithful, I am not far from sin at all.

Lately I have been attending service by a Christian group. We sing songs of worship, then the pastor will speak for an hour on the topic prepared. Then another set of praise songs will be sung as recap for the service. Usually, my eyes will water and I won't notice until tears run my face while singing. I don't know why singing touches me so.

Last weekend, I was with my relatives and the topic of religion came up and I mentioned that I was recently at a christian gathering. My uncle chastised me by saying that they are trying to recruit me into their group. I did not think they were, so I did not say anything. He however went into a long argument how they will try to lure people into their religion. I felt he was being bias. Though he made me feel a bit paranoid, he may still be right at some point.

Anyway, wherever I am I know what I believe in and I will still remain what I really am: a child of God. No one can take that away from me. I Am Nothing without CHRIST. This is what being a Christian means.

Religion is important. For some, it even provides structure in one's life. For others, it is their relationship with the Maker. For me, FAITH is the most significant of all for without this, religion is nothing. A church is not a church without the faithful, as they say. I try to remain faithful amidst challenges and joys in life. Though sometimes it can be strenuous that I wouldn't know what to do. I would feel totally lost and helpless but I will turn to prayer. I just tell myself it would soon be over anyway.

So there. My thoughts on faith.

1 remarks:

justadream said...

This is so true. There's no better religion. What's important is where your heart is, where you get to strengthen your faith, where your life's changed. And I must say you have helped me a lot in that aspect TL..million thanks!

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